Archives & Library

Established in 1993, the Archives at Reynolda House support interpretation of the historic site by Museum staff and outside researchers. The Archives houses unique documentary materials, including the Reynolds Family Papers, Babcock Family Papers, Historic Photograph Collection, Historic Architectural and Landscape Drawings Collection, and the Reynolda House Museum of American Art Oral History Project.

These materials are of enduring historical value as they connect the local story of Reynolda and Winston-Salem to broader national stories of the socioeconomic impact of the tobacco industry, intersections with race and gender in the early-twentieth century, women’s history, and progressivism. 

Additionally, the Archives collects, maintains, and makes the institutional records of Reynolda Museum accessible. The Museum records are generated by departments and individuals that are important to the permanent history of the Museum, and reflect its collections, exhibitions, programming, and community impact.

Schedule an appointment to visit:

The Archives are open 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Tuesday-Thursday.

Please schedule your appointment at least 24 hours in advance and submit the researcher registration form. This will ensure there’s a staff member available to assist you and allows us to prepare materials that may benefit your research. When you arrive for your appointment, check in at the Museum’s front desk.

The Library

The Richard J. Reynolds III and Marie M. Reynolds Library at the Museum contains more than 3,650 catalogued titles relating to American artists, exhibition catalogs, general art history, art theory, aesthetics, and criticism. Library holdings also include material on American architecture, photography, music, literature, and history; reference titles; multimedia on American artists and related topics; recordings of music by American composers from the colonial era to the present; and collection catalogs of other American art museums. 

Interested in browsing Reynolda’s stacks? 
Submit an appointment request to Bari Helms, director of archives and library, at

Research can be conducted within the Reynolda Library during the Museum’s regular operating hours. Library materials may only be borrowed by Museum staff, interns, docents, students enrolled in Portals of Discovery courses, and Wake Forest University faculty and students.